The Emerging Leader Book

The Emerging Leader‘s Book


7 Core Characteristics of Effective Leadership

Become an effective and trusted leader through discovering who you are, appreciating your strengths and empowering others.

A guide to master, through understanding and implementation, a number of critical competencies associated with knowing yourself, competent management, emotional resilience and effective communication.

Mike Cameron

The Emerging LEADER’S Coaching Model

The Emerging Leader is for anyone who wants to hone their skills, acquire new competencies and better understand areas for personal improvement.

It is a practical self-coaching guide on how to master and habitually exhibit the seven core characteristic of effective leadership, through knowing yourself, being emotionally resilient, displaying management intelligence and using efficacious communication.

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The emerging leader‘s model

As you progress through the book, Results & Performance, Workplace Engagement, Trust, Purpose, Alignment and Communication, shown in the triangles within the Emerging Leader’s model, will be discussed in detail.


Mike and I have known each other for over 40 years. Our relationship began in 1978 when we worked collaboratively in our respective management roles with Farley and Lewers (a significant player in the quarrying and concrete market, at that time). Whilst our careers diverged, we re-united in the early 1990s after my appointment, by Mike, as a contractor to support the implementation of his entrepreneurial and award-winning concept of ICI Explosives “Rock on Ground” in Australia.

This project clearly demonstrated Mike’s extraordinary capacity to effect change, not only in business processes and procedures, but also in those entrenched behavioural paradigms that often result in such strong resistance to change.

Later, I observed him narrow his focus to the development of people. In the late 1990s, as a director of Quest Serviced Apartments, I engaged Mike as our recruitment consultant and he successfully recruited some 60 key staff for our organisation, which was then entering a stage of rapid expansion.

Although I call Mike a close friend, I have also been witness to his personal development as a change agent for people in executive, business and leadership roles. He has amassed a body of knowledge and experience that has positioned him as one of the leading experts to effect change in the way key businesspeople behave and think.

His coaching qualifications are universally recognised and his programs, although firmly positioned in the business management environment, are focused on improving people rather than improving business processes. They are extensive, comprehensive and life changing. Mike will say he is not a life coach, but I have witnessed the positive impact he has had on people grappling with the many relationship issues that emerge in the workplace. I am certain that their new insights will have a profound effect on their connection with people and give them the satisfaction of understanding how to better achieve mutually positive outcomes.

Hans Grotegoed

Past Director and Owner

Quest Apartments WA


“Management is efficiency in climbing the ladder of success; Leadership determines whether the ladder is leaning against the right wall.”

Stephen R Covey

I hope that you have found or will find, something of specific interest and/or real support within this book, from the contribution of the many worthy authors – with their wealth of information, tips and tools – as you take on a challenging role, with more accountability, and emerge as an inspiring, empowering and newly-defined leader.

When the need arises, please revisit your Reflections pages, at the end of each of the four Guideline chapters where you will have already identified the most important take-awimport AmazonLinks from './../The-Emerging-Leader-Book-Purchase/components/amazon-links/amazon-links'; ays from within those forty-two key segments.

However, I would also suggest that, from time to time, you ponder on the following:

The 7 Core Characteristics of Effective Leadership Book

The 7 Core Characteristics of Effective Leadership

  1. Effective Communication

    Effective leaders understand the power of words and their ability to inspire, support, reassure and direct their people. They communicate with clarity of purpose.

  2. Emotional Resilience

    Resilient leaders are aware and in control of their emotions and have the ability to adapt to stressful situations or crises. They overcome adversity without lasting issues.

  3. Empathetic Relationships

    Empathetic leaders have the ability to recognise, understand and share the thoughts and feelings of another person. They acknowledge the story without judgement.

  4. Vision and Values

    Visionary leaders appreciate that, while values make a contribution, vision is futurefocused and about developing clarity and purpose around their goals.

  5. Motivation and Teamwork

    Motivational leaders create a working environment where empowerment and active encouragement build teamwork. They show trust and courage while walking the talk.

  6. Know Yourself

    Confident leaders apply their strengths judiciously and work on their personal growth and development. They appreciate the value of life-long learning and self-discovery.

  7. Trust in Your Leadership

    Appreciate yourself, exhibit your values, walk your talk and trust in your worth. Trustworthy leaders work with their people to establish believability, dependability and reliability through open and transparent behaviour that lacks self-interest.

“Regardless of WHAT we achieve in our lives, our WHY – our driving purpose, cause or belief – must always be based on the principles of ethics, trust and integrity.”

Mike Cameron

Book Contents

The 7 Core Characteristics of Effective Leadership Book
The 7 Core Characteristics of Effective Leadership Book

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